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Loan and Repayment
How It Works
What is FastTrack Capital?
How do FastTrack Capital customers access loans?
How does applying for a FastTrack Capital loan affect my personal credit score?
What can I use my loan for?
How long does it take to receive loan funds?
How do I sign my agreement?
Does applying for a FastTrack Capital loan require collateral?
My credit report is locked. What should I do?
I have a fraud alert on my credit report, what should I do?
Do I need to change anything about how I receive my sales?
Will my offer expire?
What fees do I pay with FastTrack Capital?
What is the fixed fee?
How is my fee calculated?
How do I repay my FastTrack Capital loan?
What is the repayment percentage?
When does repayment begin?
Is there a minimum payment?
What is a payment period?
What happens if I do not make a payment and don’t meet the minimum?
Can I make additional payments toward my loan balance, independent of my sales?
Can I pay off my loan early?
Will I see savings or have to pay an early repayment fee if I make additional payments?
What is the difference between the loan maturity and the estimated payback period?
What if my business is having difficulty?
Once I pay off this loan, am I eligible for a new one?
Why was my application declined after receiving a pre-offer?
What are the reasons for being declined?
Do you offer loans in all 50 States?
Why can’t I obtain a loan for less than $25,000 if my business is in Rhode Island?
Why can’t I obtain a loan for less than $10,000 if my business is in New Mexico?
Why can’t I obtain a loan for less than $5,000 if my business is in Ohio?
What if my business changes ownership or processor?
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Loan and Repayment
How It Works