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Loan and Repayment
How It Works
What is Truss Capital?
How do Truss Capital customers access loan offers?
How does applying for a Truss Capital loan affect my personal credit score?
Will my offer expire?
What can I use my loan for?
How do I sign my agreement?
Does applying for a Truss Capital loan require collateral?
My credit report is locked. What should I do?
How can I obtain my current (or past loan) statements?
What interest charges or fees do I pay with Truss Capital?
What is that fee?
How is my fee calculated?
How do I repay my Truss Capital loan?
Is there a minimum payment?
What happens if I make no payment and don't meet the minimum?
Can I make additional payments toward my loan balance?
Can I pay off my loan early?
Will I see savings or pay an early repayment fee if I make additional payments?
Once I pay off this loan, am I eligible for a new one?
Payment Logistics & Timing
How long does it take to receive loan funds?
When does repayment begin?
Why was my application declined after receiving an offer?
What are the reasons for being declined?
Why was I declined for an additional loan?
Do you offer loans in all 50 States?
Why can't I obtain a loan for less than $25,000 if my business is in Rhode Island?
Why can’t I obtain a loan for less than $10,000 if my business is in New Mexico?
What if my business is having difficulty, or changes ownership/processing?
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Loan and Repayment
How It Works
Payment Logistics & Timing